We recently had a job come into our factory where a customer required all the blinds to change the roll type from Back Roll to Front Roll. These were ordered from interstate…but now someone needed to fix the problem locally. So we tried to help out.
You may have heard of these different terms
- forward(front) roll/back roll
- over roll/under roll
- reverse roll/standard roll
The customer doesn’t Β care what the terminology is, they just want the blind to come down either towards the window, or away from the window.
Towards the window – back, under, standard roll
Away from the window – front, over, reverse roll
Sometimes to ensure I’ve got it 100% correct I would confirm by saying “so the roll with the fabric closest to the window”. If they say yes, then it has to be standard (under, back) roll, otherwise reverse (over, front) roll.
Clear as mud π